Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Picking my own paint color

I am currently following my own advice on paint color. I'm trying to pick a color for my living room, hall and stairwell. We are getting new bamboo flooring, I'm so excited and it's a sustainable product, better for the environment, added bonus!! Anyway, I decided that I should paint before the floors go in, mostly because my husband loves it when I paint. He said he would bring the extension ladder home for me from the storage unit. This is the only involvement he wants in the project!

I tried 15 or so different colors and just couldn't find the right color that would look good with my lighting. I brought home big swatches and tried them on every wall of the room at different times of the day. Finally I decided on AF-135 (Interlude) from Benjamin Moore. I'm having the paint store shoot it at 75% of the formula so it is not quite as dark. I like full strength, but my family overruled me. They actually like 50% strength better, so we are compromising at 75%. I'm keeping the halls and stairwell the same color they are now, because it will be quite a feat to reach every spot, it's pretty tall and it's stairs, need I say more? This way if I happen to miss a spot it won't be as noticeable. I had the paint store match my current color in a Aura paint so that it will cover well and will touch up better later. I will post pictures of the finished product when I'm done.

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